Verdoro's Star Spangled Banner (Can Ch Verdoro's THI X Can Ch Verdoro's No Place Like Holmes) Owned by Trudy Babey finished her Can Ch with style. Shown by Trudy's 8 yr old grandson Duncan , Daisy won 5 Best Puppy In Group, 1 Best Puppy in Specialty and 1 Best Puppy in Show

  Am Ch Verdoro's Pucker Up ( BIS BISS Am Ch Mongram's Bada Bing OS SDHF X Can Ch Verdoro's Kiss N Tell)  Smooch owned by Michele Leon & Michael Faulkner finished her Am Ch the end of June with 3 consecutive 5 point majors. Smooch is now back in Canada to complete her Can Ch then she will be bred to BISS Can Am Ch Verdoro's Super Fry

Can Ch Verdoro's On The Rite Path ( Can Ch Hollykins All The Rite Reasons x Can Ch Verdoro's Kiss N Tell)  Nora took a 5 pt major reserve to her 1/2 sister Smooch the end of June in Long Beach CA. Nora is now owned by Michele Leon and Michael Faulkner. 